Make Peace (Part 2): Tree Removal
#1 Listen to “Make Peace: Different Than An Atheist?”
Consider this Sunday morning’s lesson. You can listen here:
Or watch here [video will be posted by Monday each week]:
What stuck out to you as interesting?
Did you encounter any challenging or re-orienting truth?
How’d it make you feel?
#2 Ask Yourself...
On Sunday we said, "People who see themselves clearly judge others generously." Is this true? If so, why do you think that is?
Why do we have trouble seeing ourselves clearly? What gets in our way?
What behaviors/practices might we adopt in order to see ourselves more clearly?
When we find ourselves in conflict, it's important to ask two questions:
- Where have I fallen short?
- How can I help?
Why is it so hard to apologize first? What are we afraid we'll lose if we apologize?
Have you ever decided to apologize knowing the other person probably wouldn't reciprocate? How did that play out? How'd you feel when it was over?
Does asking the question "How can I help?" in the midst of conflict come naturally? Why or why not?
What are the benefits of choosing to help someone with whom we have conflict? How/why does it help to repair relationships? Have you ever decided to help a person with whom you had conflict? How'd it go?
Consider this scenario:
Your neighbor reports you to the home owner's association for letting your grass go while you were on vacation. He also (under the cover of night) puts a sign in your yard that says, "I don't take care of my things" (You know it was him because your across-the-street neighbor saw the whole thing).
- What's your gut reaction?
- If you were to use this conflict as an opportunity to glorify God, how might you answer the two questions mentioned above?
#3 Read I Samuel 25:2-35
This is the story of David, Nabal and Abigail. Read it aloud and then retell it together as a group to be sure everybody understands what they've read.
According to the text, what kind of man was Nabal? What was his reaction to conflict (the presence of David's men)?
From what you know about him, what kind of man was David? What was his reaction to conflict (Nabal's refusal)?
According to the text, what kind of woman was Abigail? What was her reaction to conflict?
How did Abigail help David make peace?
What can we learn about peace-making from this story?
#4 Go First
Consider this letter from Dr. Martin Luther King to Southern blacks on the occasion of bus integration (you may want to make copies for your group members):
What is your first reaction upon reading this?
Considering the context of conflict into which Dr. King is speaking, in what ways does this letter answer the question, "How can I help?"
What might have been different if Dr. King had encouraged his followers to stand up for and defend their rights at all costs, in any way necessary? Why is this a better way?