You've got questions; we've got answers.
We know visiting a new church can be daunting; we don't want it to be more mysterious than it has to be.
Q: It's been a while since I've been to church. Will everyone stare at me if I show up?
A: Absolutely not. Sounds like you should know two things: First, we'd be honored to have you with us. Jesus was excited to help people connect to their Heavenly Father, and we are too. Second, you should know that if you haven't been to church in a while (or ever), you won't be alone at RRCoC. Every Sunday, you'll find skeptics, beginners, seasoned veterans, and everything in between. Come on; we'd love to have you, too.
Q: When I come, what do I do with my kids?
A: We love kids and we're excited to welcome yours. When you come in on Sunday, you'll notice a check-in station on your left--make your way over to it and someone will be there to help you get your children checked into our system (this is solely to maintain their security and make sure we don't give them back to anyone but you).
If you're with us for Bible Class at 10:00am, someone will help you find the right classroom for them and then help you find a class for yourself.
If you're coming in for our 8:30am OR 11:00am worship service, get your kids checked in and our greeters will help direct you to the appropriate children’s environment. We offer Praise Camp (2yrs - Pre-K) & Joy Explosion (Kindergarten - 3rd Grade). Our kids love being a part of these environments, and we think yours will, too.
If you have a child younger than 2yrs, we have a few options for you during the 8:30am or 11:00am service: you can feel free to have your child with you in the auditorium, you can take advantage of a "quiet room" separated from the main auditorium by glass, or you can drop them off at our attended nursery and enjoy a few moments of peace as you participate in the service. :)
Q: What should I expect on a typical Sunday?
A: Sundays at Round Rock are warm and casual. We always seek to be reverent as we worship God, while understanding that stuffiness isn't the same as reverence. Though we don't always do things exactly the same way, you can expect some combination of singing, prayer, a message from the Bible, and communion.
You won't have to worry about being singled out in any way--we won't put you through that. Also, you should know that when we ask folks to give at the end of service to support the work of the church in Round Rock and abroad, newcomers aren't expected to give at all.
Q: I'm new; can I take communion?
A: No one polices who does and doesn't take communion. Scripture teaches that communion (or "the Lord's Supper," as you'll sometimes hear it called) is a memorial designed for those who've entered a covenant relationship with God. It's a time to remember the sacrifice of Jesus, to celebrate the rescue and forgiveness it's brought into our lives, and to reaffirm our desire to continue in our relationship with God. Also, communion is a moment in which we celebrate our togetherness and connection as fellow followers of Jesus.
With all of that in mind, if you feel it makes sense for you to take communion, then you're welcome to do so. (That said, if you'd rather not, just pass the tray on when it comes to you; no one will think you're strange.)
Q: What is the difference between first and second service?
A: In first service, our singing is "a cappella," which simply means "without instrumental accompaniment." In second service we sing with instruments, which could include guitars, piano, cajón, etc.
Q: I notice your church is a "Church of Christ;" what exactly does that mean?
A: Churches of Christ trace their roots back to the Restoration Movement, a time in American religious history when Christians from various denominations decided they wanted to restore the expression of church they read about in the pages of the New Testament.
Though we are an autonomous congregation and aren't governed by any outside creed or council (and may do things differently than other churches of Christ you’ve attended), we count ourselves a part of the movement to restore Christianity to Christ's design.
We find the hardest parts of that task are the ones that center more on being the church Christ wants us to be than "doing church" the way Christ wants us to do it. We feel like we're always making progress, but we're not there yet. That's why we like calling it a "movement."
Q: I'm coming from a Church of Christ background, but I see in pictures of your Sunday worship that women do a little more than I'm used to. Can you explain?
A: Like we said above, all Churches of Christ are autonomous. That means they're often different from one another. Here we encourage women to participate in our Sunday morning worship gathering in a few ways you might not be used to: women help serve communion, women often read scripture, and women often welcome us to worship and share the announcements. We're so glad our men and women want to play a part in serving our congregation, and our desire is to empower them in whatever ways please and glorify God. If you'd like to hear more about our thoughts on this, check out Part 2 of our Questions Welcome sermon series.
Q: I've come for a few Sundays now; how can I get more connected to this church?
A: We're so glad you asked! While there may be a few answers to this question, here's a helpful one: You should go to Discover Round Rock. It's a casual 45-minute session we hold at 10am on every first Sunday of the month, and it's designed to give you a better sense of who we are as a church, what we're about, and how to get plugged in when you're ready. We'll walk you through our mission, opportunities to serve alongside other folks in this church, how to become a part of a small group (and what that means), and more.
No need to RSVP or anything; just show up a little before 10am on a first Sunday and follow the signs that say "Discover Round Rock" or ask for directions at the Welcome Home Center. See you there!