What's one totally audacious thing you've done in the past (not necessarily spiritual)? Write it down on an index card. Put everyone's index cards in a pile. Have one person read them all. Try to guess which story goes with which person. Whoever gets the most right should get a prize. Of course, you'll have to make that happen, so make it good. :)
Would people describe you as audacious? Why or why not? Do you think of "audacious" as a good thing?
Name someone you know who is audacious. What makes you describe them that way?
This Sunday's lesson was basically a call to fully live into the life God is calling you to, no matter how scary it seems. Consider the following calls to audacious living we discussed:
- Loving my neighbor
- Sacrificial giving
- Inviting friends to church
- Embracing our church's priority to reach the lost even when it means my own discomfort/inconvenience/not being catered to
- Forgiving, patient, committed love
- Etc.
What hit home for you? Why have you struggled to fully embrace this call in the past? What are you going to do in the future to make it happen?
Research shows that it takes about 6 invitations before most people accept an invitation to church. Do you ask that many times? How does it make you feel to know that fact? Together brainstorm some simple, not-awkward, no-pressure suggestions for inviting people to church.
In Beth Moore's book Audacious she challenges her readers to examine their lives and ask two questions:
What am I most compelled by the love of Christ to do?
What would it take to do it?
Share your answers with your group. What can your group do to help you with your answer to #2? Think of practical steps your group can take to enable one another in audacious living.
Read Ephesians 6:18-20
"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should."
What is the relationship between audacious living and prayer?
If Paul needed prayer to be fearless and bold, do you? Consider that perhaps a lack of courage or boldness may be due to a lack of prayer. Is that a possibility for you? How can you make praying for fearlessness a regular part of your life? Be practical.
This week, pray for audacious hearts and lives. Pray specifically for the things mentioned in discussion, for the ways each member feels compelled to live love. Pray for wisdom, courage, opportunity, training, whatever's needed.
Our church has two big events on the horizon: Easter and Sharefest. Make some plans as a group to capitalize on these opportunities to reach others with the love of God.
What can your group do to make the most of Easter? Who will you invite? How might you celebrate resurrection together as a small body of believers?
What can your group do to support the work done at Sharefest? Have any of you participated before? Share about your experience (if it was negative, don't talk too much about that as we want to preserve harmony--group leaders redirect negative comments--but do PLEASE share your thoughts with Robin Marrs at How might your group band together to volunteer or get donations?