Easter is for Everyone (part 2): Portrait
Start group this week with a rousing round of pits and peaks (one good thing from the week, one bad/frustrating/hard thing).
You might tell stories of your earliest memory of meeting Jesus. What was your first impression/reaction when you learned about Him?
Re-read John 21:1-19.
- What sticks out to you about the way Peter acts in this interaction? Remember Peter’s previous sin of betraying Jesus. Does it surprise you that he’s so eager to see Jesus? Why do you think he is so eager?
- What sticks out to you about the way Jesus acts toward Peter?
- What does this interaction teach you about Jesus’ response to our sins?
- What does it teach you about how you should respond to your sin?
What is your posture toward God when you’re sinful? Are you more likely to run toward God or away from God?
- Share a story of a time when your guilt caused you to withdraw from God.
- Share a time when your guilt compelled you to reach out for God.
Why is it safe for us to turn toward God after sin?
Consider the quote from T.S. Elliot that Justin used to begin his sermon:
“We shall not cease from exploration / And the end of all our exploring / Will be to arrive where we started / And know the place for the first time.”
- What does it mean? If you’re not sure, what might it mean?
- How does it relate to Peter’s experience with God?
- Have you experienced this to be true in your faith journey? Do you feel like you’ve ever circled around and in coming back found that you had increased wisdom or understanding?
Read Psalm 32
- According to the Psalm, does David turn toward God immediately after his sin?
- Why does David eventually turn toward God in his guilt? How does God respond?
- What does this Psalm teach you about how and why to turn to God after sin?
Here are a few things you might pray for this week:
- On Easter Sunday we experienced a beautiful and massive surge in our attendance. Pray that God would call those who visited back again and again. Pray we would reach them and help them come to know Christ fully.
- Thank God for the success of Sharefest and ask him to use the event as a bridge to lead people closer to Him.
- Pray for the teachers and students at Voigt Elementary School as STAAR testing begins. This is a very stressful season for everyone.
Interested in re-listening to the communion meditation we shared on Sunday? You can find it on our church’s Vimeo page: https://vimeo.com/rrcoc