Fixing Our Eyes (Part 2): How to Walk on Water
To begin group tonight have members answer one of these two questions:
Where’s the first place you’ll go when shelter in place is over?
What’s one surprising thing you miss about life before COVID?
In our current sermon series we’re establishing the importance of fixing our eyes on Jesus, especially during hard times. This week we said fixing our eyes on Jesus enables us to do what would otherwise be impossible.
What’s one (otherwise) impossible thing you’ve done “in the light of [Jesus’] mercy and grace”?
For the bulk of group discussion tonight we’d encourage you to practice fixing your eyes on Jesus by reading aloud together a chapter from the story of His life. Read Matthew 17. When you’re done reading ask these two questions:
What do I learn about who Jesus is?
What do I learn about what’s possible with Jesus?
You might decide to break the reading up into sections and ask the questions after each one.
Consider trying to sing together as a group! Send all your group members a link to a favorite worship song on YouTube. Have everyone push play at the same moment and sing along. :)