What's After ATX (Part 5): The Most Beautiful Place


To begin the group tonight, ask each person from your group to share the most beautiful place they have ever been and why. Ask specifically about why that place captured their attention?


Spend some time reading these amazing descriptions of what we can expect in heaven (consider inviting different members of your group to read one of these verses aloud):

  • John 14:1-3

  • Revelation 7:9-10

  • Revelation 19:11-14

  • Revelation 21:9-11; 21-25

  • Revelation 22:1-5


This week, Justin closed our sermon series on What’s After ATX by helping us to imagine and focus on the beauty of heaven. In many ways, this series has been both challenging and enlightening as we focus on the main question of “what happens after we die” and in particular, it has encouraged us to recognize that as Christians, we have often been ill-equipped and unwilling to talk about the fullness of what’s after life for a number of reasons.. As we close and reflect on the impact of this series moving forward, let’s consider these few questions.

  • When you think about the beauty and possibility of a world to come — what do you most hope for or wonder about?

  • How do you believe thinking about the beauty of heaven regularly and actively looking forward to it might change your life right now? What might enable you to make this a habit?

Broader closing questions for the sermon series:

  • What is one thing you have learned about the after-life in this series that has challenged you or surprised you?

  • What is one thing you have learned about the after-life in this series that has transformed you o changed you? (i.e. Is there something that has enabled you to see that the promise of life after death shapes your life here and now?)


Ask God to enable your group to be reminded over and over again of the beauty of heaven that God has created for us . Celebrate the reality that God made Heaven for us so that we might dwell with Him and one another forever and ever with a joy that is without end. Amen.

Matt DeLano