Holy Ghost Stories: The Dismantler, The Secret Agents, and The Woman On The Inside
As we end our summer Holy Ghost Stories sermons, take some time to share your favorite Bible stories. Choose a favorite in each of the following categories:
Scariest Bible story
Would make the best movie Bible story
Story you liked most as a child
Story you connect to most as an adult
Funniest Bible story
Bible story that makes you love God more
This week we listened to the story of God, Rahab, and the Israelite spies. Had you heard that story before? What stuck out as interesting, powerful, or surprising?
If you need to catch up you can read Joshua 2 & 6.
What do you think this story is about? What can we learn from it?
What do you learn about God from this story? Who is He? What’s important to Him?
What are you wondering as you consider this story? In what ways does it challenge you?
Why do you think God includes Rahab in Jesus’ lineage? What does her name on the list in Matthew 1 say about God/Jesus?
At the start of this week’s story Justin asked, How can someone be remarkably kind and remarkably severe, at the same time? What do you think? How do you feel about the cocktail of kindness and severity you find in this story?
According to this story, who gets to experience God’s kindness? Who doesn’t?
This week, pray for those who aren’t currently a part of the family God--that they would find their way home. Pray for them generally or specifically by name.