Renovate: To Make New (Part 1): Check the Foundation


Ask this question: When you hear the word renovate or renovation? What do you think of? What is the purpose of a renovation?

Next, let your group know that we are going to be jumping into a new type of discussion guide, exploring our spiritual health both as individuals and a community. We will do this by embarking on a video-based study! An 8 week study that will give us an opportunity to grow together, to be vulnerable and to be open to the ways God desires to restore us!


Before watching the video for the week, take a look at two passages in Scripture, Romans 12:1-2 and Ephesians 4:14-15. Read these passages aloud as a group. 


Now jump into this week’s session 1 video:


To begin, Chris spoke of his own personal experience that shaped his behavior as a child so here’s the first question:

  • Were you reserved or outgoing as a child? To what extent has that tendency continued into your adulthood? 

Additionally, Chris believes that so often when we seek personal renovation and change, most of the advice we hear is focused on personal growth through changing problematic behavior or negative emotions. But Chris argues that the driving force behind how we act and feel is actually what we believe (Behind every unhealthy behavior there is a false belief).

  • Give an example of a time you changed a behavior in order to achieve a specific goal. Did you achieve it? Was the change in behavior a lasting one?

  • In what ways has an influential relationship (parents, peers), event (trauma, activities, rejections), or church experience (belonging, no involvement, legalism) shaped what you believe and how you behave in a positive or negative way?

PAUSE & Brainstorm a list of false beliefs that have had an influence on you and your relationship with God and others. 

  • Examples if you need help getting the ball rolling: I must be in control to be secure or significant; I am unworthy of love or acceptance; I must please other people to be loved or accepted; My past determines who I am; What I do makes me who I am.

In the video message, Chris says, “To change our unhealthy behaviors, we have to change our false beliefs.” 

  • Is that difficult for you to believe? Why or why not? 

  • Have you ever succeeded in changing a false belief and in turn changing your behavior?


Many of the beliefs we carry today, were formed during our childhood. Even more, many of these beliefs, subjects, etc. are difficult to discuss. We know these things are rooted deep within us. Yet, we have the option to evaluate them, determining where they came from and whether they are true or false. This is the first step to God’s process of making us new. We have to determine the areas of our life that need overhauls. We don’t have to keep living with false beliefs.


This week, as we embark on a new year with our group while also taking inventory of the last year, we want to invite you to spend time praying together in a specific format. We know that 2020 was a challenging year and yet we also know that God was still so good in the midst of the mess of 2020.

So we invite you to do a popcorn prayer together, moving through your group in 3 different intervals asking people to pray using the 3 below prompts and feel free to encourage members to say 1 or 2 words for any of the prompts if that’s comfortable for them.

  1. I/we are thankful for _____ in 2020.

  2. I/we are hopeful for ______ in 2021.

  3. I/we would like to see ourselves grow in ____ in 2021. 

Matt DeLano