Renovate: To Make New (Part 5): Draw Up A Plan

This week, we are not uploading a new guide. Most of our groups didn’t have a chance to meet this past week! We are praying for you and your group! We’ve heard so many wonderful stories of ways that our groups have cared for one another in this past week. Keep living love!


Lead off with these icebreakers: What is the best trip you’ve ever been on? And where can you not wait to go when there are no restrictions on travel AND/OR when you feel comfortable traveling again? 


Before watching the video for the week, take a look at two passages in Scripture: 1 Corinthians 5:17 and Romans 10:10-11.


Now jump into this week’s session 5 video:


Start with these questions:

  • How many of you remember being asked the question “What do you want to be when you grow up? Or what do you want to do?”

    • We spend much of our lives creating labels for ourselves in efforts to define who we are.

  • Next try to complete the following sentence -- I am _____________

    • Why do you think you definite yourself that way?

  • How would you feel if you knew God created you with an altogether different identity in mind?

In the video, Rodney talks a lot about our pursuit of an identity that pleases other people; that leads other people to think positively about us even when this could be incredibly dangerous and empty for us. 

  • So, our next question is -- How do you know if you are finding your identity in something or someone else other than God?

  • In light of this, what thing or person do you believe you couldn’t live without? When you think about prioritizing God above that thing or person, which emotions are stirred in you?

Near the close of the video, Rodney says we were created to have God tell us we’re valuable. He says our identity can only be found in Christ; our needs can be met in Christ! 

  • Do you agree? Why or why not? 

Share these Truths about our new identity in Christ (Ask someone to read each Scripture):

  1. In Christ, I am part of God’s Family (John 1:12)

  2. In Christ, I am forgiven (Ephesians 1:4)

  3. In Christ, I am blameless (Romans 8:1)

  4. In Christ, I can’t be separated from God’s love (Romans 8:39)

  5. In Christ, I belong to the light, not the darkness (1 Thessalonians 5:5)

  6. In Christ, I’m not alone (Hebrews 13:5)

  7. In Christ, I am greatly loved (Colossians 3:12)

  8. In Christ, I do not need to be in control because God is in control (Proverbs 19:21)

After this, ask: Do you struggle to believe any of the statements God makes about you in Scripture? Is it common for you to believe statements in your head but not in your heart?


What is one thing you can do this week to surrender that truth which you struggle to believe to Christ? How can our group support you in that effort? (It’s okay if everyone doesn’t have an answer; encourage them to pray for God to make it clear to them this week) 


Feel free to collect prayer requests from your group members and then close with the prayer below which was adapted from our day of prayer and fasting:

Dear Lord, help us to be open to you this week. Help us to put aside the cares of this world. Fill our minds with your peace and your love. 

Lord, too often we think we are the ones in control of our lives. Help us to see that we are powerless over so much. We ask for the grace to be able to hand our lives over to you and to experience the joy of that freedom. 

Dear Lord, help us each day to seek your presence more and more. And fill our hearts with love for you. AMEN.

Matt DeLano