Simple (Part 5): Simple Experiences


This week, our Discipleship Minister, Matt DeLano invited us into the final part of a series called Simple, a series that challenges us to simplify our lives so that we can hear the good news and invitations of Jesus. This week, we closed by talking about where true contentment lies and what it looks like to choose to be present in simple, unique ways over and against constantly chasing the next big thing.

  • What did you give away or set aside this week? OR what is the next big thing on your calendar that’s taking your attention?


To begin Matt’s sermon, he pointed us to the reality that we live in a world with a focus only on the next thing on our schedule, the next trip, what we might post on instagram OR fb next, our kids next sporting event, etc. 

  • Is it easy or hard for you to be in the moment (to take your shoes)? How often do you find yourself looking for God and/or moments with God each day of your life? 

To get to the heart of the secret to Paul’s experience of contentment in all circumstances.

Read Philippians 4:8-13

  • What is Paul’s secret to contentment? Where is it found? Does your life as a Jesus follower reflect Paul’s truth of being content? Why or why not?

So often, we find ourselves seeking out what Robert Ford calls the empty pursuit of American contentment, “the nervous American intensity for something else”. If we believe it will breed contentment, we will enter a cycle of dreading and anticipating that hijacks our ability to see God all around us.  

  • How often do you find yourself taking inventory of where your contentment is found? And where would you say your contentment or joy is found right now? In Christ OR some place else? (Be honest)

To close, Matt reminded us that we must choose to stop obsessing over cheap thrills and what’s next so that we can truly be present within the moments of life. If we do that, if we take off our shoes, we might just see every part of our life resurrected and transformed. We call this the sweet spot. 

  • What are some of the sweet spots of life that you’ve experienced over the last few months? 


We want to invite your group to close by thanking God for giving us the Holy Spirit which instills in us and reminds us that we are called to live differently and simply in a way that’s only possible through the resurrected Christ. Close with this prayer (adapted from Aurora Leigh, a poem by Elizabeth Barret Browning): 

God, help us to live simply,

You have crammed earth into heaven, 

And time and time again, we miss it, 

Our world teaches us to chase the next thing

While you teach us to take off our shoes and to see,

Jesus, enable us to name where you are in common bushes the world,

God, help us to live simply.


Matt DeLano