Doubt It (Part 3): When You're Reconstructing
This Sunday, we jumped into part 3 of a series called Doubt It. A series that speaks into the current and common wrestlings that can be experienced in either considering or having faith in God. Start discussion off with this question:
If you had to choose, are you more in the midst of a construction, deconstruction or reconstruction part of your faith journey?
This week we are inviting your group to choose questions from the multiple options below. Our hope is that these questions might help you to lead your discussion in a way that makes sense for your group this week as y’all “talk it out” and “live it out”.
How would you define faith? How does it compare to belief?
God is patient and in some of the last words of Jude, the writer says, “Be merciful to those who doubt”. What does the writer mean by this?
To some, Abraham’s faith in God looks foolish and yet God’s promises are true. Are there other stories in Scripture that you lean on as tangible examples of faith that look foolish but birth trust?
When it comes to your faith, what is an area you’re disappointed in right now?
Do you avoid conversations with people who have left church or belief because you think you might do the same? Is that a legitimate fear for you?
Are there areas or times in your life where you’ve tried to change God instead of yourself?
Share a time where your asking questions, exploring doubts or re-evaluating beliefs have led you closer to God.
What are the main questions, doubts, beliefs you are detangling right now when it comes to faith right now? How are you doing it? What do you need in order to renovate and reconstruct?
Create space for folks to name out loud or silently, one question, doubt or belief that they are wrestling with right now and pray for God to provide people and resources to help us detangle whatever they are walking through. Close with this blessing “No matter if you’re heading East, West, or anywhere in between, God loves you and is with you”