Wells & Wineskins (Part 2): Thirsting & Waiting

TO START: We believe the words used to describe Jesus in the Gospels as "filled & led" is the specific invitation God is placing before the Round Rock Church of Christ. In our new series, "Wells & Wineskins" we are unpacking what it looks like to cultivate a desire to be filled by God in the midst of a schedule & society that siphons this desire. 

READ: John 7:25-44 (focus on vv. 37-39)


(1.) The story of Jesus crying out takes place in the midst of a seasonal festival centered around celebration, joy, and community. What do you find yourself celebrating or excited about in this season of life? 

(2.) In the midst of a time when society is joyfully celebrating, Jesus stands up and cries out for what is lifeless and dry. What areas or situations in our society do you believe Jesus would stand up and cry out about right now? Have you been crying out about those same things? If you haven’t cried out, what’s holding you back?

(3.) How would you explain/describe when the Living Water of the Holy Spirit pours out of someone? What has it looked like for you in the past or present (see Ezekiel 47:6-12 for a further description of Living Water)? 

(4.) In this message, we unpacked the Critical Journey diagram where at some point in every follower's faith journey there is an invitation for Jesus to transform our inner worlds . What's an area of your life where you've been hesitant to go inward with reflection and restoration with God? 

(5.) Jesus invites all who are thirsty to drink but many who hear Jesus either disagree or dismiss his invitation in regards to Living Water. Between dismiss, discuss, and drink which one describes your relationship with the Holy Spirit. 

BLESSING PRAYER: To close small group, we invite you to practice blessing prayer together. The practice of bringing God’s heart and head down to someone in a moment of prayer. The model has three steps 1) Listen: take time to slow down and ask the Holy Spirit to speak through words, images, Scriptures, etc. (seek God’s desires for this person) 2) Name: point to God’s character (name who God is) and name the way God views that person or his people as a whole. 3) Bless: bless what God has done and is doing and ask for God to reveal anything He would like for you to boldly pray over that person. For this week, based on the night’s conversation, we invite you to pray over someone who named an area of their life that they've been hesitant to go inward in reflection. Pray for God’s living water to drench that part of their life. 

Matt DeLano