Wells & Wineskins (Part 4): How Will God Work In These Rhythms?

TO START: This week, we concluded our Wells & Wineskins series, where we not only defined the "Rhythms" portion of our vision but also explored how these practices cultivate a Spirit-filled and Spirit-led life. In Sunday's final message, we examined how God works through us to bring His preferred future as we make ourselves available through different spiritual rhythms.

TO READ: Ezekiel 47:1-12

(1.) What has been your experience with spiritual practices or disciplines in the past? As a follow-up question, how have you viewed the Holy Spirit's activity in these practices?

(2.) In his vision, Ezekiel is led from ankle-deep to knee-deep, then to waist-deep water in God's vision for the future. What is a spiritual practice or rhythm in which you have waded into greater depth over time (i.e. prayer, hospitality, Scripture, generosity, solitude, witness, worship, fasting, confession, etc.) 

(3.) Take a moment to read Ezekiel's vision (Ezekiel 47:3-12) and John's vision (Revelation 22:1-5) side by side. If you were explaining God's expectations and promises at the end of time to someone who had never read the Bible before, how would you describe God's preferred future?

(4.) One way to describe the healing work of Jesus on the cross is that He takes humanity's brokenness, sin, and failure to love and transforms it into love. What situation in your life do you long for Jesus to transform into one of love instead of hurt, brokenness, or further distance?

(5.) Do you believe God has a specific invitation for you to personally contribute to the healing promised when heaven and earth are reunited, as revealed in the visions of Ezekiel and John in Revelation? 

BLESSING PRAYER: To close small group, we invite you to practice blessing prayer together. The practice of bringing God’s heart and head down to someone in a moment of prayer. The model has three steps 1) Listen: take time to slow down and ask the Holy Spirit to speak through words, images, Scriptures, etc. (seek God’s desires for this person) 2) Name: point to God’s character (name who God is) and name the way God views that person or his people as a whole. 3) Bless: bless what God has done and is doing and ask for God to reveal anything He would like for you to boldly pray over that person. For this week, based on the night’s conversation, we invite you to pray over someone in the group named an invitation they sense from God. Pray for God’s promise to be realized. 

Matt DeLano