Absurd, Part 4: Wise Move
Absurd, Part 3: Compound Interest
Absurd, Part 2: Free To Enjoy
Absurd, Part 1: Above My Pay Grade
Strange Laws, Part 2: Blueprints
Strange Laws, Part 1: Don't Eat That
A Better Question
The Hero's Journey, Part 6: Bringing It Home
The Hero's Journey, Part 5: The Cost of Discipleship
The Hero's Journey, Part 4: Finally Found
The Hero's Journey, Part 3: Refined
The Hero's Journey, Part 2: Crossing The Threshold
The Hero's Journey, Part 1: How It Begins
Hope Arises
Feast People, Part 3: Celebration 101
Feast People, Part 2: Ode To Joy
Feast People, Part 1: Welcome Home
Signs, Part 3: Clean
Signs, Part 2: Moved With Compassion