Songs About God (part 3): Angry Songs
If your small group meets on Sunday nights, please consider attending Plus 1 together. Don’t cancel group! Just change the location. :)
Have you ever done something really stupid when you were angry? Share with the group! This is a safe place. It’ll be fun. :)
Read Psalm 69.
How does it make you feel?
Do you relate to the Psalmist at all?
Why do you think this is the Bible? Would you have put it in the Bible if you were in charge?
Have you ever been really and truly angry? What made you so upset? How did you handle your anger? Did you talk to God about it or run away from God because of it? Do you think you handled it well or poorly? Share with the group.
What’s valuable about turning toward God in our anger as opposed to turning away from Him? Think of relationships you’ve had with people--which is better, 1. to ignore and avoid someone when you’re angry with them, 2. to stuff your anger and pretend you’re fine, or 3. to face your anger and share it with the person who’s hurt you? Give an example if you have one.
On Sunday Justin asked, “Have you ever been so angry, you actually wished pain and suffering on the person who wronged you?” Then he said, if so, “What do you do with that?”
Well, what do we do with that? After considering these angry Psalms, what have you learned about dealing with vengeful anger in the presence of God?
If you’re not a person who gets angry, do you think you should get angry more? Is it possible you’re not getting angry because you’re not passionate about holiness, goodness, justice, etc.? What should you be angry about?
What can the church (remember, that’s you!) do to make more room for righteous anger? In our gatherings, in small groups, in personal relationships… Think of practical examples.
In the sermon, Justin said the psalmists have good reason to be angry. They’re angry about real injustice. What real, hard, hurtful or terrible things are you angry about? Share them together. Make a list and then pray it together. Say, “God, we’re angry about _______________.” You can also go on ahead and say what you wish would happen to those people/forces you’re angry at (so long as you do it in submission to the will of God).
So far in this discussion we’ve focused on expressing anger in God’s presence as being okay. What about what David does in the Psalms we’ve referenced--praying for the people who oppose him to be damned eternally? Is that something a Christian can do? Is David’s example permission (or more than permission, perhaps an invitation?) Consider this quick answer from John Piper:
Is Piper right or wrong? Or right and wrong? Discuss.