Bad Plan (part 2): I've Got This, God
Play a game of Simon Says. It will be so much more fun if you have a good prize for the winner. :)
This week we looked at a story from the life of Saul told in I Samuel 13:6-14. Retell it together as a group or re-read it.
What jumps out to you about this story?
What does Saul get wrong here?
We said in the sermon, God’s plan is better than your plan—true, but hard to get our heads around sometimes.
Do you usually think your plan is a good plan? Why? What qualifies you for making plans? (This isn’t a rhetorical questions. In lots of ways you’re more qualified to make plans for your life than almost anyone else. Count the ways.)
What qualifies God to be the plan maker? Make a list of reasons He’s good at making plans for our lives.
Have you ever thought your plan was better than God’s plan? Maybe you didn’t necessarily say that out loud, maybe you just lived like your plan was a better plan than God’s plan. Share a time when you overruled God’s command in favor of your own wisdom.
How did that play out? Would you do it again?
Think of a time when you bristled at God’s plan or thought is seemed a little ridiculous but decided to follow it anyway. How did it go?
What has your experience following God’s plans taught you about God? About yourself?
Have you ever made an excuse when you chose not to obey God’s plan? Share some of your favorite excuses. What kinds of reasons do we give God for disobedience?
Maybe you’re asking, How do I distinguish my plan from God’s plan? God doesn’t talk to me like He talked to Saul.
Is that true—that Saul’s message from God is somehow clearer or more comprehensive than your message from God? How does God talk to you today?
What can you do to become a better listener?
We said on Sunday that there are two big motivations to follow God’s plan:
A desire to experience the goodness of God’s plan
A holy fear of the punishment that comes when we reject it
Which one is more powerful motivation for you? Why?
Do you bristle at either of those motivations? Is either one hard to understand/come to terms with/visualize?
Psalm 119:30-40
How does the Psalmist feel about God’s commands?
Why does he love them so much?
What does he mean by this statement: “I run in the path of your commands”? Why use the word “run” as opposed to “walk”?
Are you struggling in any way right now as you try to live out God’s plan for you? Share with your group. Ask for prayers for faith, courage, and strength.
Are you wondering what God’s plan for you might be in a certain area of life? Ask the group to pray for your clarity and wisdom. Be open to God using your group members to speak truth.