How We Live Love: Be Together


Share some of your favorite partnerships, people who were better together than they were apart. You might even play a game and see who can list the most famous partners or teams in two minutes.

OR (for more “serious” groups)

Share a time when you felt really alone and knew you needed help.


Tonight we have one main goal for your group: to be together. In order to accomplish that, we ask that you’d consider where your group is right now and use tonight to best accomplish the goals of connection and help.

Maybe you’ve had a series of heavy group meetings and you really need to just hang out and have fun together. Do that.

Maybe you’re running away from some hard things you need to say one another. Be together and say what you need to say.

Maybe you haven’t spent much time in prayer lately. Talk to God together.

Maybe you have a group member going through something hard and you need to devote tonight solely to that person and their struggles. Lift that burden together.

Whatever you need to do together, do it. Together matters.

If what your group needs most is the consistency of your usual routine, here’s a handful of prompts to get you sharing…

Why is it important to make church attendance a priority? Has it been a priority for you or do you struggle to understand why it matters?

Do you feel like you’ve missed something when you miss Sunday worship?

We said on Sunday that being together isn’t about being the same. What hurdles have you encountered in your efforts to be united with people who’re different from you?

Share a time when difference made togetherness hard.

Our key scripture for the week comes from Hebrews 10:24-25, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.”

So let’s consider it. How may we spur one another on toward love and good deeds? Practically speaking, what does that look like? What could you do tomorrow to encourage someone?

To end your time tonight, you might make two lists: one list of the challenges that stand in our way as we strive to Be Together and another list of the blessings that come when we achieve togetherness.


Read Acts 2:44-47.

  • What did it mean for the first Christians to be together?

  • What can we learn about togetherness from their example?

  • Does this example of togetherness seem extreme or overwhelming to you? If so, how so? Is it actually extreme?

  • Have you ever been in a church community that felt like that? Share.


Tonight, in addition to your usual prayers, consider praying aloud in unison. You might open up your Bibles and pray The Lord’s Prayer together. Or you might pray a Psalm. The only rule is that everyone prays and everyone prays aloud.

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