& (part 4): Harder & Easier
We’ll be taking a two week break from the small group discussion guide for the Christmas holiday, returning with the first sermon series of the year starting on January 13th. Likely your group will meet the week starting on January 6th, so remember that you won’t have a guide, and prepare some other way to kick off the year.
You might have members share their spiritual resolutions for the year. You might encourage everyone to be thinking of a word they want to lean into in 2019. Or you might have a meal and pray together. Consider making a plan together at your gathering this week.
When have you felt like following Jesus was harder than not following Jesus? Give a specific example of a time when doing what God wanted you to do took courage, perseverance, hope, or lots of effort.
What’s hard about following Jesus in this time and place? How does culture make following Jesus hard?
When have you felt like following Jesus was easier than not following Jesus? Give a specific example of a way in which Christ lightened your burden or led you in paths of freedom or accomplished what you’d deemed to be impossible.
What’s easier about following Jesus in this time and place? How does righteousness protect you or deliver you from the consequences of a fallen world?
Read Matthew 19:16-26.
What does this passage teach us about the way of God/life in the kingdom?
Is it hard or is it easy?
This week pray prayers asking God to make life easier and praising God for an easy life.
What do you need God to help you do? What do need God to carry for you? Where are you aching for God’s transformation?
What is God doing in your life right now? Where’s He blessing you?