What We Do When We're Together (part 4): We Pray


Is prayer something you feel comfortable doing? 

What keeps you from praying like you’d like?

What do you love about prayer? 

Think of someone whose prayers you admire. What is it you appreciate about the way they talk to God? 


This week we’re talking about prayer; so, let’s devote ourselves to prayer in group. Consider praying three different kinds of prayer. 

  1. Start with praise (enjoying God out loud). Where have you seen God at work this week? What have you admired about God this week? Tell Him about it in prayer.

  2. Now, move on to asking. What do you need that only God can provide? Share your needs and desires with the group and lift those up to God for one another.

  3. Finally let’s confess. You may not feel comfortable sharing your sins specifically with one another, but it might make sense to share some of your struggles in the presence of your people. Embrace your sinfulness and the incredible, open-handed grace of God. You might just go around the circle having each member say the following words: Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner. 


Read Acts 2:42.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”

What does it mean to be devoted to prayer? What do you think that looked like for the early Christians?

What benefits do you think come from being devoted to prayer together?

How might you more frequently devote yourself to praying with your brothers and sisters in Christ?

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