Awakened (part 4): Feeling Tremors
Would you describe yourself as a “people person”? If so, what do you enjoy about being around others? If not, think of (and share) a situation in which you do enjoy company.
Share an example of a time you depended on the body for something you couldn’t do yourself.
We said on Sunday, “As followers of Jesus, we are vessels of the Spirit of God--He lives inside of us… For that reason, one of the best ways to experience the presence of God is to spend time with other disciples.”
-Has that been your experience?
-Share a time when God’s people were the very presence of God for you.
In the sermon we identified three paths to experiencing God in community.
-First we said to pay attention, to look first for the good in others.
-Does that come naturally or do you have to do this on purpose. What practices might help us be more intentional about looking for what’s good about our brothers and sisters?
-In light of this, why might gossip prevent us from experiencing God?
-Second we said to “use more eyes,” to share with one another our experiences of God so your experiences become mine.
-Lean in to this truth tonight in group by sharing where you’ve seen God work this week.
-Third we encouraged you to be a channel of God’s presence and love.
-How do we open ourselves up to Christ and let Him reside in us, blessing others through us? Consider Col. 3:15-17. See if you find any helpful wisdom.
-“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
In Exodus 34: 29-32 Moses comes back to the Israelites after having been with God. As evidence of that proximity, Moses’ face glows.
-This is a moment when the Israelites get a glimpse into the enchanted world.
-How do they react?
-Have you ever felt uncomfortable around people who were clearly and powerfully connected to God (maybe especially people who seemed more connected to God/wiser/more spiritually mature than you)?
-Why might we feel that way?
-What can we do to embrace the holy gift of Spirit-filled friends instead of turning away from it? Practical suggestions encouraged.
-Share a story about when you sought out wisdom from a person who had clearly been spending time with God.
-How’d it go?
This week have group members pray for one another but don’t take requests. Pray what you feel led to pray for your group members. Embrace your group members’ prayers for you. Trust that the spirit of God in your brothers and sisters will intercede on your behalf in a way that blesses you.
-Logistically, you might put members in pairs and have them pray over one another.