Rooted (part 3): Testing the Waters
Two things, a little review and a game:
Did you pray your seed prayer last week? It’s still early, but roots have to start somewhere, so... Did you feel like God answered your prayer in any particular way? Share any cool “baby roots” stories with your group.
Read the list below, one line at a time. Have group members raise their hands if they trust the person, institution, etc. Encourage members to choose immediately, no deliberation allowed. Just go with your gut (there’s no right answer--only funny ones). Here we go:
Do you trust…
The government?
Mark Zuckerberg?
Reality TV?
Bill Nye the Science Guy?
Yelp reviews?
Your neighbor?
Early in his sermon this week Justin listed a series of synonyms for the word “rooted”: Established, Centered, Anchored, Mature, Unflappable, Fruitful, Nourished, Long-Lasting. Which of those words sticks out to you most as something you want to be? Why that word?
This week we’re talking about trusting in God. Is trust something that comes easy to you? Or do you struggle to trust? Explain.
Share a time, season, or category in which you’ve struggled to trust God.
Read Colossians 2:6-7. “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him.”
What does it mean to receive Christ Jesus as Lord?
Think of a decision you made today under the authority of Christ, your LORD--a time when you wanted to do something but Jesus wanted you to do something else and you went with what Jesus wanted.
We said Sunday that trusting in God isn’t just sitting and waiting. Trust is active. Has that been your understanding of trust? Or does it challenge your idea of trust? Explain.
If trusting God is active, what might trust look like? Make a long list of things a person who trusts God might do. Don’t stop until you have at least 20 things. Any group that makes it to fifty receives a prize (just email your list to
Read Proverbs 3:1-12.
After you’ve read it, look again and list the blessings God wants to give to those who follow Him.
What do God’s people have to DO in order to get those blessings?
Already in this series we’ve encouraged you to pray this prayer from Jeremiah:
Lord, bless me by teaching me to trust in You.
Empower me to put my confidence in You.
Plant me like a tree planted by the water.
Move me to send out roots / to the stream of Your love and power.
Make me like that tree, unafraid when heat comes;
my leaves always green, alive.
Rescue me from worries in a year of drought
because in You, I never fail to bear fruit.
Tonight, have group members share one way they’re feeling called to act in trust. What would it look like for you to take a step of trust right now? Then pray for each person, that God would empower that action.