Simple (Part 3): Simple Stuff


This week, our Lead Preaching Minister, Zane, invited us into a part 3 of a series called Simple, a series that challenges us to simplify our lives so that we can hear the good news and invitations of Jesus. This week, we talked about the reality that each of us find ourselves shaped by when we are born and what stage of life we are in and yet, Jesus’s invitation for all time is and has been to slowly transform the ways we’ve been formed into being conformed into the image of Jesus. 

  • What did you give away or set aside to give away at Share Fest this past week?


To begin Zane’s sermon, he pointed us to the story of Song Dung & his mother, Zhao which reveals our tendency to use external stuff to cope, survive and medicate with whatever we face in the world. 

  • When you’re feeling empty from the loss of someone or something, what do you tend to do to cope with that emptiness (ice cream, online shopping, addictions, withdrawal, etc.)? 

To get to the heart of our struggle with stuff. Read Matthew 6:19-24.

  • What things in life both internally and externally do you treasure the most? Is your tendency to treasure the external more than the internal? Why or why not?

Even more, Zane encouraged us to train our eyes to be healthy in regards to our stuff by asking some questions related to our stuff! Talk about a few of these questions as a group. 

  • Do you find yourself managing your stuff to a point in which you lose time to pray, to be present, etc.?

  • Do you struggle to give things away? What keeps you from opening your hands with particular items?

To close, Zane reminded us that if we are made uncomfortable at the thought of giving up our stuff, Jesus has an invitation waiting for us and even more, if we don’t examine how we look at our stuff, we will continue to serve our stuff over all other things. 

  • So, what stuff do you own that has the highest potential to own you? If someone looked at your life from the outside, would you provide evidence to them through how you treat your stuff that God will satisfy the desire of your heart over and against any thing you have. 


We want to invite your group to close by praying for the Holy Spirit to make each member aware of the stuff in our life that we tend to serve over and against serving Jesus as Lord. Invite God to enable your group to take account of what they tend to treasure so that we might be transformed. Close with this prayer: 

God, help us to live simply,

You open your hands, 

And You satisfy the desire of every living thing,

Your creation is evidence of your goodness,

And the work of Jesus is evidence of your goodness

In giving Your Son, You gave us everything we’d ever need,

God, help us to live simply.


Matt DeLano