TURN (Part 2): Turned Out


For this series, TURN, we want to invite your group to move through a process of turning to God together. Each week we are inviting your group to move through questions and prompts in the following order: STUDY → CONFESS → REPENT → PRAY (feel free to choose a few questions/prompts from each section) 

  • Share about a time when you went to great lengths to avoid another person or group of persons. What was the main reason/emotion/idea behind that? 

In this series, we are focusing on the spiritual practice of repentance. Repentance is the practice of turning away from sin and toward God. Each week, we want to invite your group to turn towards God by reflecting on a weekly prompt of repentance. Here is this week’s prompt: I have overlooked ______ in my life. 



  • Why do you think Jonah is continuing to spiral in turning away from God?

  • The imagery of wind is powerful in the story of Jonah, pointing to the movement of God’s Spirit. Are there other places in the Bible that display the power of God’s movement waking people up?

  • Do you see any correlation between Jonah’s actions and yours as you interact with people who are far from God?


  • Has there been a time when you said “no” to God spiritually OR tried to run away from God? How did it affect you in other aspects of your life (mentally, physically, emotionally, etc.)?

  • In what area of your life are you curved inwardly right now (job, finances, health, people-pleasing, appearance, parenting, etc.)?

  • Can you think of a time when you acted in a way that now seems foolish, considering what you know about God?


  • Is there anything God could ask you to do, today, that you would say “no’ to? If so, what is it? And why would you say no?

  • What places do you find the Spirit of God waking you up to right now? What areas do you want the Spirit of God to breathe new life into?

  • How do you respond differently to people in your life who are in pain, who are afraid or who are in need of help because you follow Jesus? 


  • Thank the Lord for the instances in which other people have not overlooked you and instead stood, sat, cried or marched in solidarity with you. 

  • Spend time asking God to reveal  the areas or people in your life  that you have overlooked. 

  • Agree as a group to attend at least 1 of the come & go prayer time on Wednesday nights. 

Matt DeLano