A Bad Case of the Meh's (Part 2): Hypotension Souls


This Sunday, we entered part 2 of a series called A Bad Case of the Meh’s. Many of us find apathy at the heart of our day to day and week to week struggles. We feel depressed, despondent or even disinterested. Sometimes, in these moments we feel like there is more to lose than to gain. We feel spiritually “meh” because we are socially & emotionally defeated by the evil we can’t change on our own. AND YET the good news of Easter and the Gospel is that God stares our loss, our lack of motivation  and our doubt in the face and responds with hope. 

  • What is your spirit animal and why (ant, dung beetle, sloth, tiger, wolf, etc.)? (Thank Zane!)

This week we are inviting your group to choose questions from the multiple options below.  Our hope is that these questions might help you to lead your discussion in a way that makes sense for your group this week as y’all “talk it out” and “live it out”.



  • Why were the disciples not able to drive out this demon? Why does this section end with Jesus pointing to prayer as the conduit of healing?

  • In v. 24, the father asks Jesus to help his unbelief, are there other instances like this in Scripture?

  • Why does Mark talk about the boy seeming to be dead before he’s raised up? What’s the purpose of those details?


  • Have you ever been shocked about what you get yourself worked up over? Explain. 

  • What darkness in your life leaves you speechless, seized, dashed, and grinds on your heart and beliefs?

  • What are the biggest questions you have about God in your heart right now? Questions that frustrate you, sadden you OR maybe anger you. 



  • Have you ever had an experience in following Jesus where you've felt stagnant or felt like you were just going through the motions?

  • Where in your life do you find yourself becoming self-reliant instead of relying on God? Have you actually asked God for help?

  • Through Jesus, we share in the power of his resurrection, the power of the Holy Spirit. Where is God inviting you to raise the dead to life?


  • Invite the group to consider an area where they have relied on themselves over relying on God, encourage them to think on it  for 10 seconds and then say together, “I believe, help my unbelief”.

  • Pray for those in your life who are experiencing difficult things: doubts, depression, grief OR  “meh” and pray for them to be able to share that reality with God and with someone close to them.

Matt DeLano