A Bad Case of the Meh’s (Part 1): We Certainly Hope So…


This Sunday, we kicked off a new sermon series but more importantly we celebrated EASTER, the resurrection of Jesus Christ!!! WOO. Praise God that Jesus is alive. He has defeated the chains of death and the tomb is empty! 

  • What is your favorite part of celebrating Easter? (Food, Easter Egg Hunt, Nap, Worship, etc.) 

This week we are inviting your group to choose questions from the multiple options below.  Our hope is that these questions might help you to lead your discussion in a way that makes sense for your group this week as y’all “talk it out” and “live it out”.



  • Why was Paul writing to the Thessalonians about this issue? What’s the question they possibly asked Paul to elicit this response? 

  • What does Paul say about the grief that the Thessalonians are experiencing over the loss of their loved ones? How are they not to grieve? Where else in the Bible do you see God’s people grieving?


  • When was the last time you felt “meh” (demotivated) about life? Feeling that there is more to lose than to gain in your life?

  • When you think of the resurrection of Jesus, what does it mean to you? What are the first things that come to your mind?

  • Share of a time when God has surprised you with something in your life.



  • Are there any resurrections or new beginnings that you’re experiencing right now? How are you living into them?

  • Is there a loss you can name right now that may just enable you to be filled with hope?

  • How does the hope/assurance you have in Jesus’s resurrection affect the way you live? Or does it?


  • Spend time in prayer for families and individuals who have lost something in this season (loved one, job, relationship, abilities, etc.) 

  • Spend time in prayer thanking God for the reality that Jesus died on the cross because God loved us so much. And pray for our belief in the resurrection to transform the way we live. 

Matt DeLano