Filled & Led (Part 4): Grieving the Holy Spirit


This Sunday, we jumped into part 4 of our Fall series focused on the new vision: “To be a Spirit filled & Spirit led church for those who don’t have a home yet”. Each week, we will journey with a part of the book of Acts as we unpack what it could mean (and not mean) for us to be Spirit filled and Spirit led people. To start, unpack this question together:

  • Where have you experienced or seen a radical act of generosity? How did it impact you?

If you haven’t, as you welcome your group back and jump into discussion, you might take a minute to make a plan and set goals for the coming year. Expectations related to how often you’ll meet, when you’ll meet, childcare, who is willing to host, any things y’all would like to do together, etc…We would encourage y’all to set some time throughout the year to have fun (go to a ballgame or a park, serve in the community, go to a movie, etc.)



  • What’s your initial reaction to these two scenes in Acts? How does it impact your view of God?

  • The Spirit of God seems to care particularly for those who are need. What other instances in Scripture point to this reality? 

  • What does it mean when Peter says, “Why have you lied to the Holy Spirit”? 


  • How would you describe the dominant mindset of our culture when it comes to our money, possessions and stuff? Where and how do you see that mindset play out?

  • Is there a time in your life where you tried to use the power of God for your own benefit rather than to choose a relationship with God? Why?



  • A marker of a community led by the Spirit is a spirit of generosity, how has your relationship with Jesus impacted the way you view your resources?

  • Is it easy for you to try to put on a display as if you are in on following God while still finding your security in something else? Where is your security? What do you need to help shift that posture?


  • This week, we want to encourage your group to rededicate the whole of their lives to God. So, this week, we want to invite anyone willing in your group to share a word, a phrase, something that they need to turn away from to be filled inwardly by God as a prayer. Then close by praying this together “Come Holy Spirit and fill me”

Matt DeLano