How We Live Love, p4: Be Together
How We Live Love, p3: Be Brave
How We Live Love, p2: Be Changed (And Changing)
How We Live Love, p1: Be a Reason for Someone to Come Home
God Loves The Boogeyman
Everyday Saints, p5: Strength In Numbers
Everyday Saints, p4: Incredible Inheritance
Everyday Saints, p3: Dare to be Different
Everyday Saints, p2: Called Out
Everyday Saints, p1: Who Is Holy?
Community Will Save Your Life
Win and Lose, p3: Battle Stations!
Win and Lose, p2: The War to End All Wars.
Win and Lose, p1: You Lost...Kind Of.
Holy Ghost Stories, p4: The Lion Tamer and the Mutineer
Holy Ghost Stories, p3: The Angel and the Wrestler
Holy Ghost Stories, p2: The Fire-Maker and the Lonely Prophet
Holy Ghost Stories, p1: The Sheriff and the Unqualified Deputy
O Brother Who Art Thou?