Irresistible, part 4: ...because it makes peace between our heads and our hearts.
Irresistible, part 3: because it's the only way we can get along.
Irresistible, part 2: because it gives our pain a purpose.
Irresistible, part 1: because it can raise the dead.
The Gospel According to Paul, part 5: Stuck Together
The Gospel According to Paul, part 4: The Violin Player And The Dark Powers
The Gospel According to Paul, part 3: When Empty is Good News
The Gospel According to Paul, part 2: Jesus: God's Yes
God, My ______. Reflections on our Creator, King, Potter, & Protector
The Gospel According to Paul, part 1: Groaning and Hoping
Good With Money, Part 4: Return On Investment
Good With Money, Part 3: Enough Is Enough
Good With Money, Part 2: What Do You Expect?
Good With Money, Part 1: The Object of My Affection
Jesus, Monarch, Part 6: Resurrected & Reigning
Jesus, Monarch, Part 5: King On A Cross?!
Jesus, Monarch, Part 4: More Dispatches From The Kingdom
Jesus, Monarch, Part 3: Dispatches From The Kingdom
Jesus, Monarch, Part 2: Heir Apparent
Jesus, Monarch, Part 1: Startled