On Celebrating Christmas With Your Small Group...
Because we had the privilege of hearing Alan Robertson speak on Sunday we won't be able to provide a sermon-based discussion guide for small groups this week. Instead, consider making this week's meeting a Small Group Christmas.
Here are a few ways you could celebrate together:
- Make Christmas cards for Round Rock's missionaries, older people, or elders--all of whom could use a pick-me-up.
- Go caroling. Visit one of our elders' homes or maybe someone's friend from work. If you're feeling shy just sing together at the house.
- Go look at Christmas lights together.
- Meet at a coffee shop for Christmas-y drinks and share stories about what Christmas was like when you were a kid.
- Decorate Christmas cookies together.
- Make snowflakes.
- Share a special Christmas feast. Bring what you usually bring to your family's Christmas dinner.
- Play a gift exchange game.
If you don't have time (or don't want) to arrange something special, here are a few questions to get you connecting with one another:
- What's the best gift you've ever received for Christmas? Favorite gift you've ever given?
- What was essential to the Christmas experience in your family?
- Did you travel as a kid at Christmas time? Where would you go? What was it like?
- What's your favorite Christmas movie? What makes it good?
- Favorite Christmas song? Least favorite Christmas song?
- Real tree or artificial? Tacky family ornaments or perfectly matching? Debate the merits of each.
- Did you celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday growing up? If so, what are some of your favorite traditions?
- How does Christmas make you feel? Why do you think that is?
Read John 1:1-5. What do we celebrate when we celebrate the coming of Jesus? What did His arrival here on earth signal?
This week pray for peace, joy and love this holiday season. Check in on group members and see if anyone is especially sad or stressed this time of year. Pray for whatever they need.