Resolution Solution
When it comes to New Year resolutions, most people fall into one of two camps: People who make resolutions and people who don't. Take a poll of your group members to see who falls on which side of this very serious issue. ;) Have members defend their position. What's so good about resolutions? What's bad?
Why do we (humankind) make resolutions? How do we most often go about deciding what to resolve? How do you pick your New Year resolutions?
How familiar are you with the story of Josiah discovering the book of the law (as recorded in 2 Kings 22:3-13)? If you weren't in worship at Round Rock this Sunday, take a minute to read it. If you were there, did you find this story surprising or interesting in any way? Share.
On Sunday Justin said, "When we spend regular time interacting with Scripture, God can tell us what He needs to tell us, show us what he needs to show us, and help us how he wants to help us."
- Have you ever had this experience with scripture? Share a story with the group about a time when God provided clear direction through scripture.
Do you ever feel uncomfortable when you read the Bible? If so, why? What do you do when you feel that feeling? How should we react when what we read challenges how we act/who we are/what we believe?
Read James 1:22-25. Are you good at this or do you struggle? If you struggle, why do you think that is? What can we do to be more purposeful about putting what we read in scripture into practice in our lives? Offer real, practical options and/or personal experiences.
- Do we need to read differently?
- What resources might be helpful?
- Have you ever read the Bible with a running TO-Do list handy?
Read (a few or all of) the following texts, then fill in the appropriate blank for each one:
Having read this passage I RESOLVE TO...
do ______________more.
do ______________ better.
do ______________ differently.
stop doing _____________.
(In other words, what does this text make you want to DO?)
- James 1:19-20
- Exodus 4:10-11
- Psalm 1:1-3
- Daniel 3:16-18
- I Peter 2:11-12
Have members share one thing they're resolving to do better/differently/more/less this year. And if they're in the no resolutions camp, force them to make just one. ;) Pray over each member's resolution one by one (be sure to divvy up the praying duties).